Study Abroad

Study Abroad - RomeWant to travel and see the world?

You can do that at MCCC and get college credit, too. MCCC’s annual Study Abroad Program trips are typically announced during the fall semester for upcoming semesters. Community members are also welcome to join in on the experiences.

  • Students must be 18 years of age, hold a GPA of 2.0 or higher, submit two letters of recommendation, pass a criminal background check and register for the trip by the assigned deadline. 
  • Community members must have two letters of recommendation, pass a criminal background check, enroll in at least one of the classes offered and register for the trip by the assigned deadline. 

Information on fundraising and payment options is available.  Individuals must attend an informational meeting and fill out an application before registering for a trip. Those interested participating should contact Wendy Wysocki, Global Studies coordinator, at (734) 384-4294 or


$100 discount offered Sept 14 through Sept 30

We are excited to share with you the opportunity to study the history and practice of healthcare in the United Kingdom and Western Europe. This study abroad trip will be a 10-day trip visiting London and Paris in May 2023. Anyone who is interested in learning about the culture and history of London and Paris is invited (students, future students, graduates, nurses, any medical profession, relatives, friends, etc.) so, please, share the information with others.

London and Paris Brochure

London and Paris – Healthcare & Nursing in London ( 

Use the QR Code below to register for the trip or go to:

QR code study abroad

This valuable experience will help participants interested in health care topics prepare for their academic and professional careers.   

During the trip, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in health systems abroad, as well as learn their history and make cross-cultural connections with the U.S. system.  

This program will be an incredibly valuable experience that will help current students or community members interested in (or already working in) health care fields gain valuable knowledge for their academic and professional careers.

For more information, contact Denise Robinson, Associate Professor of Nursing at or (734) 384-4265. 

Learn more about the MCCC May 2024 short-term study abroad program to Eastern Europe by attending one of the following meetings:

Virtual Informational meeting for May 2024 Study Abroad program

Wednesday, November 1, 6:00 pm

Thursday, November 9

On Campus Study Abroad informational meeting Founders Hall, Business Division- room F-193 A:

Tuesday, October 31, 12:30 pm

Tuesday, November 7, 2:00 pm

Study abroad programs are open to all MCCC students, alumni, and community members.

The May 2024 Business and Culture Eastern Europe program will include visits to Krakow, Poland, Budapest, Hungary and Prague, Czech Republic with a possible extension to Vienna, Austria. The target dates for the trip are May 16 to 27, 2024.

While on traveling, students will learn about the three jewels of Eastern Europe, Budapest, Krakow and Prague, stand beneath fortified castles, visit the World Heritage Site of Auschwitz, and be immersed in Eastern European culture and business environments.

This program will be a rewarding and enlightening learning experience to enrich participant’s personal growth and enhance professional opportunities.

MCCC students, alumni, and community members who participate in a study abroad program must apply and enroll in at least one of the courses offered in the program. The course may be taken for credit or non-credit.

If you are unable to attend one of the meetings and interested in learning about the MCCC study abroad program opportunities, please contact Wendy Wysocki, Professor of Business and Economics and Global Studies Coordinator at (734)384-4294 or

Contact Information

Study Abroad Program


Building / Office IconF-193b
Phone Icon (734) 384-4294


Call for appointment